9 07, 2019

Why Review the 20mph scheme?

To fulfil a mayoral manifesto commitment by Mayor Marvin Rees, to review the current speed limits on residential and busy shopping roads and assess if any changes are required in order to improve its effectiveness. [...]

9 07, 2019

Why has the 20mph Review taken so long?

This Bristol City Council consultation received one of the highest ever level of responses from the public with nearly 3500 responses received both via the online consultation page and through paper versions available in the [...]

9 07, 2019

How was the 20mph review evaluated?

Respondents were also asked about their support for 20mph speed limits. Headline results from those who responded to the following questions in the summer’s 20mph Review revealing: 95% of the people support 20mph outside schools [...]

9 07, 2019

Community-led activities

Other additional measure include Community-led activities such as forming a Community SpeedWatch, where a group of local residents monitor speeds at a given location, motorists exceeding the speed limit will be contacted by the Police [...]

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