Out of the 90 roads that were reviewed only 17 roads were flagged as requiring further consideration based on the consultation response, speed data and road layout changes. Of these only 5 had speed data where changes to the speed limit could be considered and these roads were considered in the briefing.

  • 9 do not need any action (Hotwell Road, Kingsway, Coombe Lane, Novers Lane, Parry’s Lane – 20mph section, Sea Mills Lane, Redcatch Road – hill section, Allison Road and Kellaway Avenue).
  • 8 with slightly higher speeds will benefit from additional measures such as lines and signs or a Vehicle Activated Sign and/or community led activities such as Community Speed Watch where suitable, (Clanage Road, Charlton Road, Fortfield Road, Ladies Mile, Hallen Road, Whitefield/Brook Road, South Liberty Lane and Clifton Down).

Of the 5 where speed data presented a possible change the following summarises the decisions agreed, taking into consideration the majority support in each case for no change:

  • South Liberty Lane – speeds higher than 24mph, but 62% of respondents want to retain 20mph
  • Kellaway Avenue – speed low enough for 20mph, but 52% of respondents want to retain 30mph
  • Allison Road – speeds close to 24mph, but 72% of respondents want to retain 30mph
  • Clifton Down – speed higher than 24mph, but 57% of respondents want to retain 20mph
  • Redcatch Road (hill section) – speeds close to 24mph, but 68% of respondents want to retain 30mph