The 20mph speed limit implementation was completed in September 2015 and included a monitoring programme. In February 2018 the Bristol Twenty Miles Per Hour Limit Evaluation (BRITE) study was published by the University of the West of England (UWE).  This independent peer reviewed report assessed the impact of 20mph speed limits and found a reduction in road speeds and fatalities following road collisions since the lower speeds were introduced. Analysis including using individual speed data from over 36 million vehicle observations, found 94% of surveyed roads have slower speeds, active travel levels have increased and there was a significant reduction in the number of fatal, serious and slight injuries and potentially significant financial savings for the NHS.

This research report took a holistic, public health approach to evaluation, using a variety of data sources to examine: changes in vehicle speeds; road traffic casualties; levels of walking and cycling; public perceptions and attitudes; and reported levels of health and wellbeing across the communities in Bristol before and after the introduction of 20mph speed limits across Bristol.

Read the UWE BRITE report