Lowering the speed limit will help make the streets safer for all road users. Those hit by a car at 20mph are far more likely to walk away with bruises and minor injuries than those hit at 30mph. The 20mph project is not a stand alone project, other measures such as local safety schemes and pedestrian and cycle training at schools will also help improve road safety.


Is a charity who campaign for the prevention of accidents and who have an interest in road safety. Visit for their advice on 20mph speed limits:


Is a road safety charity campaigning to make roads safer, visit for more information in it’s Go 20 campaign:


As part of a broader package of measures slower vehicle speeds and increased cycling and walking can help make our communities more pleasant places to live and reduces anti-social road noise. Calmer communities will help encourages use of local shops, clubs and facilities along with improvements to parking arrangements, bus stops and cycle parking.

If you wish to comment on any street in your neighbour to report a concern please click on the link below


Slower speeds on roads will help to make walking or cycling more attractive options. 20mph is part of a broader package of measures aimed to give children more confidence to walk, scoot and cycle. Other measures include bus improvements, travel plans for schools and businesses, local safety schemes all of which will help increase active travel which is great for your health.

Bristol health Partners

Bristol Health Partners is a strategic collaboration between the city’s three NHS trusts, three clinical commissioning groups, two universities and its local authority. These nine organisations have formed Bristol Health Partners voluntarily, and are funded by contributions from the partners.

Better by Bike

Offers inspiration and information to get you cycling in Bristol and beyond.

Living Streets

The charity for everyday walking. Visit for more information.