7 03, 2016

Won’t it make driving harder?

This will be a change and it will take some conscious decision making as a driver to make a difference. The change can be compared to anti-drink driving campaigns and Clunk, Click, the seatbelt campaign: [...]

7 03, 2016

How can you be sure it is working?

Reducing the speed limit should have a beneficial effect on local communities. We are monitoring: • Traffic speeds • Traffic volumes • Road casualties • Walking and cycling levels • Before and after attitudes

7 03, 2016

Why are you targeting motorists?

20 mph creates a safer environment for everyone, including motorists. It will not significantly increase journey times and by easing traffic flow, may actually reduce some journey times. We are not stopping people from driving, [...]

7 03, 2016

Why is it taking so long to introduce?

Introducing a scheme of this size takes a large amount of planning. We began by trialling the scheme in our pilot areas in South and East Bristol. Following the success in those areas, in July 2012 [...]

7 03, 2016

Why can’t it be rolled out more quickly?

This proposed change for the city is large and so we need to ensure that we are communicating the proposed change properly. There are also a number of official processes to go through in order to legally change a [...]

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