The Council’s decision to implement the new speed limit citywide was outlined in the 2010 Joint Local Transport Plan. The new limit is proposed to reduce the risk and severity of road collisions in Bristol and reduce the negative impact of anti-social speeding within communities. It is one of a number of measures being introduced to help to improve traffic flow, support sustainable transport and active travel and help to make Bristol a more positive place to live and work.

Slower speeds have also shown to support people to become more active, through increased cycling and walking. The success of the Cycling City and Active Bristol initiatives means that more people in the city are choosing to walk or cycle. The majority of the public agree that encouraging walking (82%) and cycling (55%) for short journeys is a good idea.

Completion of the successful pilot scheme in South and East Bristol illustrated that there is support for the scheme by residents and road users. There was a reduction in day time speeds, an increase in walking and cycling levels and no impact on bus reliability or journey times.